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Please contact Liz Marden for more information or to book an appointment:
Telephone: 07738268400
Postal address: Lakegate, Shebbear, Beaworthy, Devon, EX21 5SH.
Find us on Social Media!
Liz is based in Shebbear, however covers areas of Devon & Cornwall and will travel to you.
If you live within a 30 mile radius of EX21 5SH your travel is included in the price, however if you live outside of the 30 mile radius there will be 45p per mile charge added to your bill.
When contacting Liz via email please ensure that you leave your name, full address and what you are looking to do with your animal or a description of the problem/ quiery.
If you are calling and reach our voicemail we are sorry we missed your call - Liz will just be busy helping another client - please ensure you leave the above details on our voicemail and Liz will call you back as soon as she is available.
Payment is due by 48 hour's before the day of booking and can be made via bank transfer.
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